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Adiutor Copyright Checker Module Documentation


The Adiutor Copyright Checker module is a JavaScript script designed to check for potential copyright violations in Wikipedia articles using Earwig's Copyvio Detector API. This module is part of the Adiutor tool created by the author Vikipolimer.


- Detection of potential copyright violations. - Display of violation details. - Actions to address potential violations.


This module is intended to be used within the Wikipedia editing environment to check if an article contains potential copyright violations. To use the Adiutor Copyright Checker module, follow these steps:

1. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions and prerequisites for running custom JavaScript code in your Wikipedia editing environment.

2. Load the Adiutor Copyright Checker module code into your environment. This can typically be done by adding the script to your user or common JavaScript pages.

3. When you need to check for potential copyright violations in an article, initiate the module. This can be done through the Wikipedia interface or a custom UI element, as determined by the Adiutor tool's setup.

4. The module will fetch data from the Earwig's Copyvio Detector API for the current article.

5. Based on the detection results, the module will display a message dialog with information about potential violations.

6. Depending on the severity of the violations, you can take different actions, such as creating a speedy deletion request or performing a detailed analysis.

7. Follow the provided options and actions to address potential copyright violations.

Key Components

The Adiutor Copyright Checker module consists of several key components and functions:

1. Initialization: The script initializes various variables and objects, including `mwConfig`, `api`, `messageDialog`, and `windowManager`. These are essential for interacting with the Wikipedia environment and creating the user interface.

2. Fetching Data: The script fetches data from the Earwig's Copyvio Detector API to check for potential copyright violations in the current Wikipedia article.

3. Message Dialog: Depending on the severity of potential violations, the module displays a message dialog with information about the violations. The dialog includes details about the confidence level of violations and related source links.

4. Actions: The module provides different actions based on the severity of the violations. These actions include creating a speedy deletion request, performing a detailed analysis, or closing the dialog.


The Adiutor Copyright Checker module is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Author and Source

- Author: Vikipolimer - Learn more: [Adiutor on Meta-Wiki](https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Adiutor) - Earwig's Copyvio Detector: [Copyvio Detector API](https://copyvios.toolforge.org/)


Please note that the script may require compatibility with specific Wikipedia configurations and the Adiutor tool. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions and configurations to use this module effectively.